How to use your own domain on Confidesk Webmail


You need a domain to use with your Confidesk account, we don't offer domain registration service.

Adding your domain

  • Go to the "account" menu
  • Choose "mail settings" and scroll down to the section "domain and mail alias settings"
  • In the "own domain" section, click on "add."
  • Add your domain name (without subdomain) into the field, and click on "save"
  • Ask your domain name service provider to change your domain's MX record. The MX record should point to with priority 1 and to with priority 5. We will send an email about the settings to your notification mail address.
  • Once the changes are made, go back to domain settings and click on "check" to ask our system to check if the MX are configured correctly.
  • If the Status is still listed as "not valid", please wait at least 24 hours and try again. If still listed as "not valid", contact your service provider.
  • If the status is "valid", your domain is configured in our system.

Configuring aliases

You can add multiple aliases to our system to use with your Confidesk account and you can set up one alias as your primary email address. Simply click on the "add" button in the aliases section, and create your alias address. You need to use the full email address: myalias@mydomain. Please note the following:

  • Aliases added here are not independent accounts. They are only aliases of your web account
  • All aliases can receive e-mail, but all mail will be delivered into the same mailbox, which is your main web account.
  • You can use any of your aliases as sender address when creating an email.
  • DKIM and SPF

    DKIM means domainkeys identified mail. It is used to tell the recipient mail server that the mail is sent from the owner of the domain. SPF records tell what are the genuine hosts which can send with the domain.
    It is possible to configure our system to sign your messages with your own DKIM keys. Please contact support on to request the TXT keys to add to your DNS configuration. You can also add an SPF record, please request the txt record from support on